Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

🥒 Why I Love Charcuterie (And You Will Too)

If you’ve ever admired a beautifully crafted charcuterie board and thought, “I wish I could do that,” I’m here to tell you - you absolutely can!

Charcuterie boards are one of my favorite ways to make plant-based eating DELICIOUS, DOABLE, and FUN

Whether it’s a casual gathering, a holiday party, or just a cozy night in, there’s just something magical about arranging an array of tasty bites for everyone to enjoy.

Here are just some of the reasons why I love charcuterie boards…

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

🏰 Choose your own adventure…like Lisa did…

For the most part, we have a whole lot more control over our destinies than we think.

Let me tell you about my client, Lisa…

When Lisa started working with me in July, she had just been diagnosed with RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS, from the PAINFUL SYMPTOMS she was having and from the BLOOD TESTS that she had had. In fact, that diagnosis is what led her to reach out to me.

With my help and encouragement, Lisa made the shift to a healthy plant-based diet.

And guess what happened!?!


Here’s the whole story…

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

Do you know the #1 risk factor for death in the world?!?

The #1 risk factor for death in the world is HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE

Yup, there's a reason they strap that annoying cuff around your arm every time you go to the doctor for any reason whatsoever.  

Because they know just how quickly things can potentially go downhill for someone with HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, they want to be sure that's not you while you're sitting in their office.  So they can address it right away. This is serious stuff.

And if you do have HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, please do as your doctor instructs.

But there's something else you really should know about too - the incredible power of a plant-based diet when it comes to LOWERING BLOOD PRESSURE.

Read on for an inspiring testimonial…

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

Let me tell you about my neighbors…

We had a lot of excitement around here this past May. We had some new neighbors move in.

They were cute, so we decided against getting an attorney to defend our property lines.

They started a family and before we knew it, we had some baby robins growing up outside our back door.

When it comes to plant-based eating, maybe you have something in common with this cute little baby robin?

Read on to find out…

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

Get Your ROADMAP for Your Plant-Based Journey to Better Health Today!

I've been creating something that'll be very helpful for those of you wanting to get started on your PLANT-BASED JOURNEY TO BETTER HEALTH.

From years of helping clients transition to a plant-based diet, I've definitely learned a lot. I've seen what works well and I've seen what does not. 

And I've now taken all that I've learned and distilled it into a ROADMAP, just for you.

How to get your copy of this ROADMAP? Read on...

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

Plantar Fasciitis vs. Plants - Who Was the Winner?

In my 30+ years of working as a physical therapist, I've encountered a lot of people suffering with plantar fasciitis.

The thing is, plantar fasciitis can be very hard to treat. Sometimes, the pain just doesn't want to go away.

Which is why I was so surprised when one of my plant-based health coaching clients saw her plantar fasciitis COMPLETELY DISAPPEAR just a few weeks into eating a fully plant-based diet...

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

Don’t Forget the B12!

Plant-based eaters, including vegans, vegetarians, and anyone limiting their meat consumption cannot get their Vitamin B12 from the foods that they eat, unless those foods are supplemented of course.

While specifically recommending supplements to my clients (and you) is out of my scope of practice, I do teach every one of them that Vitamin B12 supplementation really is IMPERATIVE for all plant-based eaters to STRONGLY CONSIDER.

Read on to learn more...

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

Lending a Helping Hand, Made Easier Through the Power of a Plant-Based Diet

Lisa is the kind of person who's always doing for others.  Need a helping hand?  Lisa's there.

The thing is, Lisa's helping hands weren't feeling all that great when we first met, because of the arthritis in her hands was causing her pain that left her clutching her hands in discomfort, all throughout the day.

Until she made the shift to a fully plant-based diet. That's when things totally changed!

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

Buh-Bye Diabetes!

I just learned that one of my amazing clients was able to say BUH-BYE to his Type 2 Diabetes THROUGH THE POWER OF A PLANT-BASED DIET.

He experienced a lot of other amazing benefits of going plant-based too.

And I honestly just can't wait to tell you all about it...

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

Should you go all-in?!? The amazing results of going plant-based overnight!

You can either tip-toe into the shallow end of plant-based eating, or you can CANNONBALL right on in, going fully plant-based overnight.

Both approaches really do work, but there are some definite advantages to the CANNONBALL APPROACH. In this article, I want to share with you some real-life examples of those advantages.

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Michele Stamn Michele Stamn

How Does a Plant-Based Diet Help With Type 2 Diabetes Anyway?

Just how DOES a plant-based diet help with Type 2 Diabetes (and pre-diabetes) anyway?!?

I've got a couple of great analogies that can help you understand how this works.

Why spend the time on not just one, but TWO analogies about Type 2 Diabetes?  Well, because it's a BIG PROBLEM in our country today!

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